Sale M33 average house price: Over £411,000, an increase of 14 per cent in the last 12 months
Residential properties in Sale M33 have had an overall average sold price of £411,740 over the last year.
The Avenue in Sale remains one of the most expensive roads in M33 © Google Maps
Information provided by Rightmove and Land Registry has revealed that the average price of a house in Sale is now £411,740, a 21 per cent increase from just three years ago.
According to the data, the majority of sales in M33 during the last year were semi-detached properties, selling for an average price of £477,130. Terraced properties sold for an average of £357,090, with flats fetching £185,166.
Overall, sold prices in M33 over the last year were 14 per cent up on the previous year and 21 per cent up on the 2020 peak of £339,336.
That is above the current national average in England of £310,000.
The most expensive roads in Sale over the last 12 months included Brookwood Avenue, The Avenue and Holly Bank.
The data also reveals that houses in Sale are over £91,000 more expensive than Stretford (average £319,999) and almost £83,000 more expensive than Urmston (average £328,747), but is behind Altrincham, where the average house is priced at £510,690.
In what might be related news, Sale was recently chosen as one of the best places to live in the UK by The Sunday Times.