Local Elections 2023: Tories lose out in Sale results

The Tories lost out in the Trafford Council local election on a difficult day for them locally and nationally.

Take a look at the results from across the Sale wards:

Ashton Upon Mersey: 

Kenneth Clarke (Lib Dem) - 171

George Devine (Lib Dem) - 171

Kay Dwyer (Conservative) - 1148

Shona Gilbert (Labour) - 1901

Ben Hartley (Labour) - 1865

David Kierman (Lib Dem) - 119

John Lamb (Conservative) - 1130

Amit Narang (Conservative) - 959

Tony O'Brien (Labour) - 1710

Caroline Robertson-Brown (Green) - 412

Nick Robertson-Brown (Green) - 248

Richard Tyldesley (Green) - 198


Renate Aspden (Green) - 393

Muhammad Babar (Labour) – 1749

Dan Barker (Conservative) - 1459

Chris Boyes (Conservative) - 1494

Pauline Cliff (Lib Dem) - 301

Robert Cutforth (Green) - 315

Adrian Hart (Conservative) - 1370

Will Jones (Labour) - 1852

Deborah Leftwich (Green) - 382

Rose Thompson (Labour) – 1850


Joy Baggaley (Green) - 229

Frances Cosby (Labour) - 1195

Kirsty Cullen (Lib Dem) - 170

Rob Duncan (Conservative) - 1507

Sally Hirst (Labour) - 1141

John Holden (Conservative) - 1450

Steve Little (Labour) - 1107

James McGlashan (Green) - 254

Gwenda Nolte (Lib Dem) - 144

Rupali Paul (Conservative) - 1294

John Peaker (Lib Dem) - 114

Diane Plunkett (Green) - 191

Sharon Richards (Women's Equality) - 107

Sale Central: 

Mark Bancks (Conservative) - 674

Barry Brotherton (Labour) - 1974

Zak Deakin (Labour) - 1656

Jem Green (Green) - 438

Joe Kramer (Lib Dem) - 283

Ash Nichanametla (Conservative) - 598

Eve Parker (Labour) - 1812

Gareth Parker (Conservative) - 624

Tom Stewart (Green) - 302

Dave Turner (Green) - 454

Sale Moor: 

Oliver Baskerville (Labour) - 1662

Daniel Bell (Conservative) - 726

Joanne Bennett (Labour) - 1737

Mark Campion (Lib Dem) - 243

Christopher Halliday (Conservative) - 689

Chris Hargreaves (Green) - 386

Samuel Hession (Green) - 285

Steve Leicester (Green) - 246

John Morten (Conservative) - 596

Liz Patel (Labour) - 1682

Average turnout across the Sale wards was 43.02%.

Across the Trafford borough as a whole, Labour retained control by increasing their number of councillors by one to 41.


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